Common Grace (5)

since it is manifest that men whom the Scriptures term carnal, are so acute and clear-sighted in the investigation of inferior things, their example should teach us how many gifts the Lord has left in possession of human nature, notwithstanding its having been despoiled of the true good.Institutes, Book 2 Chapter 2

1.2K      2019-01-07     0
in reading profane authors, the admirable light of truth displayed in them should remind us, that the human mind, however much fallen and perverted from its original integrity, is still adorned and invested with admirable gifts from its Creator.Institutes, Book 2 Chapter 2

1.2K      2019-01-07     0
Arminians are not satisfied with it, because it does not go far enough. They regard common grace as an integral part of the saving process.Systematic Theology, 444

1.4K      2016-08-16     0
Common grace enables man to perform what is generally called justitia civilis, that is, that which is right in civil or natural affairs, in distinction from that which is right in religious mattersSystematic Theology, 443

1.3K      2016-08-16     0

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